Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Thanksgiving (26th November)

Image result for thanksgivingRead this text about Thanksgiving and answer the questions.

Test your vocabulary! Do the Thanksgiving crossword.

Click here to correct your answers.

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Past simple or continuous?

We use the past continuous to describe an action in progress at a specific moment in the past.
'This time yesterday I was having a relaxing bath at home'
We use the simple past to describe a completed action in the past
'She read the magazine and went to bed'

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Simple past

Activity 1. Revise the pronunciation of the past of regular verbs here. Do all the activites about the past.
Activity 2. Choose the correct answer. (past simple regular and irregular verbs) 
Activity 3. Complete the sentences. Type the correct answer in the box. Use contractions where possible. (past simple regular and irregular verbs)

Thursday, 5 November 2015

A/an, the or no article

Resultado de imagen de a an the 

Activity 1. Choose the correct option.  

Activity 2. A, and or the?

Activity 3. Choose the correct answer.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Prepositions of place / Describing a picture

Activity 1: Write the correct preposition of place.

Activity 2: Tidy up your room!

Activity 3: Listen to the descriptions of some pictures and choose the correct one.